usaha or kerja

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Friday 3 June 2016

Research Training Fellowship for Developing Country Scientists (RTF-DCS)

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Call for applications for 2016 – 2017

The Centre for Science and Technology of the Non-Aligned and Other Developing Countries (NAM S&T Centre) is presently implementing a Fellowship programme titled ‘Research Training Fellowship for Developing Country Scientists (RTF-DCS) to provide opportunity to young researchers of the developing countries for their capacity building in science and technology through their affiliation with premier academic and research institutions in India to carry out short-term research work.
The RTF-DCS programme has been sponsored by the Government of India, Department of Science & Technology (DST), Ministry of Science & Technology. The RTF-DCS programme that was initiated in 2012-2013, was successfully implemented in the last four years with the selected scientists having completed their research work in the respective host institutions in India. Considering the persistently high demand from the researchers from developing countries and the keen interest shown by the Indian research institutions in implementing this programme, the number of Fellowships was increased from 20 to 50 per year with effect from 2014-2015. In the fifth year of implementation of the RTF-DCS scheme, the NAM S&T Centre invites applications from the eligible researchers of the developing countries for the Fellowship for the financial year 2016-2017 (1st April 2016 to 31st March 2017).
The salient features of the RTF-DCS programme as under:
  • Of Fellowship: 50
  • Duration of Fellowship: The Fellowship is for a period of six months. Therefore the interested applicants must be absolutely certain about thier availability for six months, if selected for this Fellowship.
  • Broad Disciplines, in which Felloeship are available: Agricultural Sciences; Biological and Medical Sciences; Chemical Sciences; Physical Sciences and Mathematics; Earth sciences; Engineering Sciences; Materials, Minerals and Metallurgy: and Multi-diciplinary & Other areas.
  • Eligibility Conditions: Scientist/researchers from any developing country (except India) below 40 years of age (as on 1st January 2016) and possessing at least a Post Graduate Degree in any Natural Science subject or an equivalent degree in Technology / Engineering / Medicine / allied diciplines.
  • Financial Terms: Full financial assistance to the fellows, including (a) round trip international airfare by excursion/economy class, (b) a monthly Fellowship amount of Indian Rupees (INR) 35.000 (about US$ 525 at the current exchange rate, non-taxable) to cover accommodation, meals and other miscellaneous expenses and (c) a one-time grant of INR 30.000 (about US$ 450) for research contigency and domestic travel, including airport transfers, visiting research institutions, attending sciencetific events and field trips within India, subject to the approval of the research supervisor. The India host institutions will also be suitably compensated for their services for implementation of the programme.
  • Detailed guidelines of the Fellowship scheme are given in the attached announcement brochure.
  • It is advisable for an applicant to make a prior contact with a concerned India scientist or an institution in India where work is in progress in the area of interest to the applicant, and obtain consent that he/she, if selected, will be accepted to work in the institution on the proposed research project. A copy of the consent letter, if available, should be enclosed with the application.
  • A suggestive list of Indian academic and research institutions has been enclosed with the announcement, but the applicant is free to contact any other institutions in India about which information may gathered either through internet search or other means.
  • Application should be submitted to the NAM S&T Centre in the prescribed format, enclosed with the brochure. Only electronic communication will be accepted. The application form and all attachments please sent to an email addressed to and cc to
  • The last date for submission of completed application form along with required enclosures is Friday, 17th June 2016.

Jakarta, 26th May 2016
The Head of Bureau for the Cooperation and Public Communication
The annoucement brochure enclosed.


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