usaha or kerja

blog ini menyajikan tentang lowongan kerja dan usaha bagi yang berminat. adapun yang dimaksud dengan usaha ini berkaitan dengan usaha untuk meningkatkan kualitas diri dalam dunia kita dengan mengikuti lomba-lomba yang diadakan kementrian. sedangkan untuk lowongan kerja, bisa bermanfaat untuk para lulusan yang berijazah untuk mendapatkan hoki... semoga berhasil, guys!

Wednesday 1 June 2016

Lowongan banyak Karyawan Baru untuk Bursa Efek Indonesia(BEI)

Salah satu badan yang khusus mengelola pasar saham di Indonesia yang sekarang bernama Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) atau Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) merupakan bursa hasil penggabungan dari Bursa Efek Jakarta (BEJ) dengan Bursa Efek Surabaya (BES).
Sekarang, BEI membuka lowongan untuk:

1. Head of Capital Market Repsresentative
PersyaratanKandidat harus bergelar Sarjana, Magister / Pasca Sarjana jurusan apapun. 
Mahir Bahasa Inggris, Bahasa Indonesia
Setidaknya 2 tahun mempunyai pengalaman kerja di bidang terkait
Memiliki pengalaman dalam mengawasi tim
Memiliki lisensi pasar modal akan menjadi keuntungan
Bersedia ditempatkan di Palembang, Manokwari, Ambon, Kendari, Palu, Mataram, Palangkaraya, Bengkulu, Pangkal Pinang, Solo, Serang, Mamuju, Gorontalo, Tanjung Selor, Kupang

2. Trainer
Pendidikan minimum S1
Berpenampilan menarik,
Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi yang baik,
Memiliki pengalaman kerja sebagai trainer minimal 1 tahun
Memiliki pengetahuan tentang Pasar Modal, kemampuan bahasa Inggris.

3. Trainer of Capital Market Representative
Kandidat harus memiliki bergelar Sarjana, Magister / Pasca Sarjana segala jurusan .
Mahir Bahasa Inggris, Bahasa Indonesia
Setidaknya 2 tahun mempunyai pengalaman kerja di bidang terkait diperlukan untuk posisi ini.
Memiliki lisensi pasar modal akan diprioritaskan
Bersedia ditempatkan di Banda Aceh, Bandar Lampung, Jayapura, Manokwari, Ambon, Kendari, Palu, Mataram, Palangkaraya, Bengkulu, Pangkal Pinang, Solo, Serang, Mamuju, Gorontalo, Tanjung Selor, Kupang

4. Pengembangan Sarana & Prasarana Perdagangan
Kandidat harus memiliki setidaknya gelar Sarjana, Gelar / Pasca Sarjana Gelar Master, Ilmu Komputer / Teknologi Informasi, Ekonomi, Keuangan / Akuntansi / Perbankan atau setara.
Diperlukan keterampilan: sistem aplikasi bisnis, hukum dan peraturan pasar modal, sistem manajemen basis data relasional, Peraturan Bursa Efek.
Setidaknya 1 tahun mempunyai pengalaman kerja di bidang terkait diperlukan
Lebih disukai Staff (non-manajemen & non-pengawas) mengkhususkan diri dalam IT / Komputer - Jaringan / Sistem / Database Admin atau setara.
Full-Time posisi yang tersedia.

5. Help Desk Sistem Perdagangan
Bachelor's Degree, Master's Degree / Post Graduate Degree, Computer Science/Information Technology or equivalent.
At least 1 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position.
Preferably Staff (non-management & non-supervisor)s specializing in IT/Computer - Network/System/Database Admin or equivalent.
2 Full-Time position(s) available.
6. Administration of Capital Market Representative
Candidate must possess at least a Diploma, Bachelor's Degree, any field.
Required language(s): English, Bahasa Indonesia
Good Administrative skill, assertive, details and communicative
Having experience in administration will be an advantage
Willing to be located in : Yogyakarta, Pontianak, Manokwari, Ambon, Kendari, Palu, Mataram, Palangkaraya, Bengkulu, Pangkal Pinang, Solo, Serang, Mamuju, Gorontalo, Tanjung Selor, Kupang
7. Pengelolaan dan Penyebaran Informasi Perdagangan
Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree, Master's Degree / Post Graduate Degree, Computer Science/Information Technology or equivalent.
Required skill(s): it fundamentals, stock exchange regulations, Capital Market Law and Regulations.
At least 1 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position.
Preferably Staff (non-management & non-supervisor)s specializing in IT/Computer - Network/System/Database Admin or equivalent.
Full-Time position(s) available.
8. Application Development
Deskripsi Pekerjaan
Analyzes user requirements, concept of operations documents, and high level system architectures to develop system requirements specifications.
Analyzes system requirements and leads design and development activities.
Guides users in formulating requirements, advises alternative approaches, and conducts feasibility studies.
Provides technical leadership for the integration of requirements, design, and technology.
Develops system Architecture and system design documentation.
Guides system development and implementation plan, integration and test plan.
Incorporates new plans, designs and systems into ongoing operations.
Technical Requirement:
Excels in design applications using .NET or Java platform (choose one).
Strong concept in programming.
Have a good concept in Message Queue, Network Programming, ETL, Web Service, Thread.
Have a good concept in Database design and Query optimization, Performance tuning.
Education Qualification:
Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree, Master's Degree / Post Graduate Degree, Computer Science/Information Technology or equivalent
1 years of relevant experience in designing and developing business applications.
9. Securities Data Management and Trading Parameter Officer
Deskripsi Pekerjaan
Responsible for operate securities data management and trading parameter
Coordinate with Other Unit or Division related to keep excellent result every day.
Bachelor degree in Finance/ Management/ Business Administration
Good Teamwork
Willing to work overtime if needed
10. Finance and Budget Officer
Deskripsi Pekerjaan
Responsible for creating the company's budget and ensure each division is make and use the budget properly.
Bachelor Degree in Accounting/ Finance
Having experiences minimum 1 year in planning, budgeting and control.
Good analytical thinking, able to translate numbers into words
Communicative and assertive
Preferably live in Jakarta
11. Economic Analysis Officer
Deskripsi Pekerjaan
Responsible to produce regular reports on domestic and international economic affairs in factual basis and accurate. The report should be able to give pictures of consequences of economic development and its impact to Indonesian capital market in general.
Bachelor Degree in Economics with GPA min. 3,00
Having Knowledge on Capital Market
Fluency in English Both in oral and written
12. Pengemudi
Deskripsi Pekerjaan
Mengantar karyawan untuk keperluan perjalanan dinas
Memastikan pengantaran menuju alamat yang dituju adalah benar sesuai dengan tugas
Memastikan sopir dan penumpang dalam keadaan aman sampai tujuan dan kembali ke IDX
Mematuhi rambu-rambu lalulintas yang berlaku
Mengetahui jalan-jalan di Surabaya dan sekitar Jawa Timur
Memiliki SIM A
Berkelakukan baik (disahkan kepolisian)
Tidak memiliki riwayat penyakit pada mata
Kondisi sehat (mata & Badan)
Bersedia bekerja dalam tekanan (macet, menunggu)
13. Issuer Evaluation and Monitoring Officer - Listing Division Group
Deskripsi Pekerjaan
Evaluate the listing application for stock,bonds and other securities,evaluate the corporate action of listed companies,monitor the disclosure & compliance of listed companies based on capital market & IDX regulation,analyse the financial report of listed companies.
Graduate from reputable university with GPA min. 3.00
Bachelor's Degree in Finance/Accounting/Banking/Business or equivalent.
Min. 1 year experience as an auditor in Public Accountant Firm, or analyst in securities company, investment bank, asset management company, appraisal company, or financial services company.
Having knowledge about corporate finance and financial analysis.
Having knowledge about capital market will be an advantage
14. Head of IDX Representative Office
Deskripsi Pekerjaan
Provide capital market information to stakeholder in specified area by conducting public education events, maintaining good relationship with all stakeholders (government, business alliances, universities, investors, potential investors, public companies) and supervising all operational activities in representative office
Bachelor degree in Management/Economics/Finance/Accounting/ Banking/Communication
Min 1 years experience in capital market industry or financial institution
Good communication both oral and written
Having capital market license will be an advantage
15. Accounting and Taxation Officer
Deskripsi Pekerjaan
Responsible for the implementation of IDX financial accounting transactions by maintaining journal input into the financial & accounting and reconciliation applications system in order to provide accurate & punctual financial transaction information
Bachelor Degree in Accounting with GPA minimum 3,00
Highly commited
High inner drive/ strive to achieve goals and targets
Change enabler or continuous improvement
Minimum 2 years experiences in accounting/finance industry
16. Listing Evaluation and Monitoring Officer
Deskripsi Pekerjaan
Evaluate companies' application for go public and listing
Evaluate the corporate action of listed companies
Monitor the disclosure & compliance of listed companies based on capital market & IDX regulation
Analyse the financial report of listed companies.
Graduate from reputable university with GPA minimum 3,00
Bachelor degree in finance/accounting
Minimum 1 year experience as an auditor in Public Accountant Firm or analyst in securities company, investment bank, asset management company, appraisal company, financial services company.
Having knowledge about corporate finance and capital market will be an advantage.
Strong analytical thinking
Good communication in English both oral and written
17. Infrastructure Development Officer
Deskripsi Pekerjaan
Analyze and develop system architecture and framework especially for network and server configuration.
Graduate from Reputable University with GPA min. 3.00
Bachelor degree in Information Technology/Computer Science
Having knowledge of networks, O/S Linux, Win server 2008, system virtualization
Having IT certification (CCNA, etc) will be an advantage.
18. Administration Officer of IDX Representative Office
Deskripsi Pekerjaan
Responsible for handling administration duties, managing petty cash and budget, managing library, public visit service and supporting capital market education events in specified area.
Diploma degree in Administration/Economics/ Communication
Good in administrative skills, detail oriented, assertive, communicative
Min. 1 year experience in administration field will be an advantage
19. Exchange Member Compliance Auditor
Deskripsi Pekerjaan
Performing audit process to all IDX’ Members & Participants to ensure their compliance to capital market regulations.
Graduate from Reputable University with GPA min. 3.00
Bachelor degree in Accounting
Min. 1 year experience as an auditor in Public Accountant Firm
20. Exchange Information Unit
Deskripsi Pekerjaan
Responsible for the administration of the activities of market development both issuers and investors conducted by the entire IDX representative office.
Graduated from reputable university with GPA min. 3,00
Bachelor degree in Management/Economics/Finance/Accounting/ Banking/Communication Having knowledge about capital market industry or financial institution
Good communication in English both oral and written.
21. Issuer Evaluation and Monitoring Officer
Deskripsi Pekerjaan
Evaluate companies’ go-public requirements, monitor, evaluate, and analyze issuers’ compliance of the issuers’ corporate action and adequacy of disclosure information of the issuer with the capital market regulation and IDX listing rules. Provide application for the issuer to disseminate information electronically (IDX Reporting or IDXnet).
Major in Accounting
Having audit logical thinking
Good analytical thinking
Having knowledge about Capital Market
Min. 1 year experience as auditor in public accountant firm
Able to operate Ms.Office (Word, Excel, Powerpoint)
Good Presentation Skills
22. IT Office
Deskripsi Pekerjaan
Handling IT office, IT System Management, IT network and technical support, and trading system to ensure all IT infrastructures run well.
Bachelor Degree in Information Technology/ Information System/ Electrical Engineering
Having knowledge about OS Unix/LINUX, database, storage area network, website, monitoring tools, and backup system.
23. Trainer of IDX Representative Office
Deskripsi Pekerjaan
Provide capital market information to stakeholders in specified area by conducting public education events (as a trainer) and maintain good relationship with all stakeholders.
Bachelor degree in Management/Economics/Finance/Accounting/ Banking/Communication
Min. 1 year experience in capital market industry or financial institution
Good communication in English both oral and written
Having capital market license will be an advantage
Willing to be located in Palembang
Education Min S1
Preferably have experience of working as a trainer
Having a PM certification preferred
Good Looking
Have good communication skills
Ability to work with minimal supervision
Kepada seluruh pelamar kerja yang berminat dengan posisi-posisi lowong yang ditawarkan untuk segera mengirimkan berkas lamaran lengkap ke:
Kantor Pusat:
Gedung Bursa Efek Indonesia Menara I - Lantai 6 Jl Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52 - 53 Kebayoran Baru Jakarta Selatan

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